Our Discovery Log 2018-2019
Step 1 Science
Step 2 Technology
Step 3 Engineering
Step 4 Maths
Step 5 STEM Showcase: Please have a look at our Science Day photos in the video below. We had a great day. We are already planning and looking forward to our next science showcase day.
Paddle Boat Wars:
CD hovercraft:
Science Day 2016
Our annual Science Day was on Tuesday November 15th during Science Week 2016. Our pupils showcased many fascinating new projects and experiments that displayed the scientific process and scientific thinking. Thanks to the many parents who visited on the day. The grid below is a list of the experiments/scientific processes presented by each class on the day.
1st Orange
Lava Lamps
Making Music
1st Yellow
Square Bubbles
Is Yeast Alive?
1st Green
Dancing Raisins
2nd Orange
Blasting Balloons
Which Ball is the Bounciest?
2nd Yellow
Investigating Surface Tension
Investigating Sound Insulation- Keeping Loud Sounds Out
2nd Green
Static Electricity
Water Power
The Importance of Safety Belts
3rd Orange
Diving Drops - Sinking Feeling
The Magnet Magician
3rd Yellow
Rainbow Milk
Creepy Fingers
3rd Green
Paddle Boat
Paper Helicopters
4th Orange
Gravity – Reaction Timer
Lava Lamp
4th Yellow
Rainbow Spinners
Warm Air Takes Up More Space
5th Orange
Hover Craft
Lava Art
5th Yellow
Bottle Xylophone
Designing and Making a Paper Rocket
6th Orange
Hydraulics and Pneumatics
6th Yellow
The Archimedes Screw
Filtering Dirty Water
Lego Robotics Club.
There were only seven coveted places in the Robotics Club this year. Places were given on the basis of maths scores to keep it fair and transparent. Participants learn how to programme robots. The EV3 Robot Mind was purchased to programme the robots this year. This looks like a Gameboy. You are allowed to use four motors to move various parts of the robot and you are allowed to use as many sensors and tech lego frame pieces as you like when constructing the robot. However, the more the robot does, the more challenging it is to programme.
The club are entering the First Lego League competition on 21st January 2017. This year’s theme is animal allies, how we interact with animals and how they interact with us. The first part of the project is completing a practical robotics demonstration on stage. There are 15 missions that the robotics club practise regularly. In the competition the club members will get 2.5 minutes to complete as many missions as possible. For our project we have chosen the Little Tern as our animal because of its protected nesting site in Kilcoole. Harry Barry interviewed Birdwatch Ireland to get information about the Little Tern for the project. He discovered the biggest challenge the Little Tern faces is the fox. Last year a fox wiped out 40 nests from our local beach.
The club will run some labs over the Christmas in preparation for competition in January. Thanks to James and Kayla Scott for organising the club and running it from their home. Club members are Michael Shannon, Harry Barry, Lucy Mc Gowan, Anna Morris, Christian Smith, Jermiah Scott and Madeline Scott.